البحث في المفردات

لغة المحتوى

Concept information

المصطلح المفضل

data reusability  


  • FAIR principle concerning those characteristics that make data usable by future researchs or different purposes (teaching, innovation, science reproduction/transparency). In order for the data to be reusable by others, their sharing must be accompanied by a license specifying their usage conditions. Then, it is useful to describe their provenance and provide all information needed to contextualise them.

مصطلحات المداخل

  • reusability of data


  • Translated from Loterre Open Science Thesaurus, "réutilisable", http://data.loterre.fr/ark:/67375/TSO-X4ZW5XQD-G

بلغات أخرى



تحميل هذا المفهوم:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD آخر تعديل 17‏/12‏/2021