البحث في المفردات

لغة المحتوى

Concept information

المصطلح المفضل

data steward  


  • The Data Steward is the person most knowledgeable about the data including the sources, collection methods, and limitations. The Data Steward should be able to write metadata describing the data and answer questions about the data or the program the data derives from. The Data Steward cleans, uploads, and edits data and communicates with the Data Coordinator for publishing approval. Sometimes, the Data Steward is also the Data Coordinator, who has authority to publish the data.


  • https://github.com/terms4fairskills/FAIRterminology/T4FS_0000178
  • ISO 8000-2:2020(en), 3.14.4


  • California Open Data Portal, Open Data Glossary, "Data Steward", https://data.ca.gov/pages/open-data-glossary

بلغات أخرى



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD آخر تعديل 17‏/12‏/2021