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Информация о концепции

Предпочитаемый термин

data archive  


  • A data archive (also known as data repository) is a deposition database collecting primary data from data producers (scientists, machines, etc.) arisen from different sources (experiments, observations, simulations, etc.).


  • https://github.com/terms4fairskills/FAIRterminology/T4FS_0000254


  • Adapted from Asmi, A., Cordewener, B., Goble, C. Castelli, D., Kühn, E., Pasian, F., Niccolucci, F., Glaves, H., Jeffery, K., Assante, M., Dovey, M., Manola, N., Juty, N., Blomberg, N., Jimenes, R., and Beckmann, V. (2017). D6.3: 1st Report on Data Interoperability: Findability and Interoperability (1.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3394145

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