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- الفبایی
- سلسله مراتب
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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- facedomainspecific automatic speech recognition
- Facet
- faceted browser
- faceted browsing
- Facets
- facial expression
- factor analysis
- factorial analysis
- factsheet
- FAIR principles
- fair use
- fan-fiction
- faroese
- Farsi
- feature selection
- federating
- feeds
- feminine variation
- Feminism
- Feminist studies
- fiction
- Fields of education
- fieldwork
- file sharing
- file storage
- film
- Film and cinema arts studies
- film-history
- filtering
- finegrained topic annotation
- finnish
- Finnish and English
- Finnish Sign Language (FinSL)
- Finnish subset: MSDtagged
- fitness training
- flash
- flashcards
- Flemish Sign Lagnuage (VGT)
- Flemish Sign Language (VGT)
- flickr
- folklore
- forced-alignment
- format transformations
- Formats
- forms
- framework
- free
- Freehand
- french
- French and German
- French and others
- French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB)
- French Sign Language (LSF)
- frequencies
- frequency
- frequency lists
- frequency of usage
- full-text
- function-words
- functional annotation of dialogue utterances
اطلاعات واژهنامهها
SSH Open Marketplace Keyword
All the keywords used in the SSH Open Marketplace: coming from various sources.
شمار منابع بر پایه نوع
نوع | شمار |
شمار اصطلاحها بر پایه زبان
زبان | اصطلاحهای مرجح | اصطلاحهای جایگزین | اصطلاحهای پنهان |
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